Employment brand is an image or impression that enhances how your company is perceived as an employer. In other words, it’s the image that your prospective, current and past employees have in their minds about the employment experience at your company.

In addition to attracting new employees, the promise also gives current employees a sense of pride and a shared mission. It is more than a fancy logo or witty buzz phrase.

In order to find suitable solutions to employee poachingemployee retention and resolving the issue of employee turnover, Human Resource professionals will need to make sure that they find ways in which they can create an employment brand for their organization.


    Give life to your brand!

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Identify an Employment Brand team

HR will need to drive the process by first identifying the branding team members. Remember, this is an employment branding team which is separate from the Company brand often driven by the marketing team

This team will comprise of representatives from:

  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Entry level employees
  • Veteran team members (Senior level participation is a must)

 Identify your existing Employment Brand

If you already have an existing employment brand, find out what the perception is.

  • Is it good? Is it bad? Or is it indifferent? If it exists, who does it speak to?
  • Do you have an employee value proposition?
  • What is your culture?

 Define what you would like your brand to be

  • Review both the strength and weaknesses in your current employment brand image
  • What sets you apart from the competition today?
  • What will set you apart tomorrow?

 Communicate your Employment brand

  • Give your brand a visual identity
  • Make it real – you have to live up to your message
  • Make a commitment to your current employees, prospects and future members of your team

 Remember, changing your employment brand won’t happen overnight!!


Culture Fit Strategy.

Your organization’s culture provides individuals with a way of giving meaning to their daily lives, setting guidelines and rules for how to behave, and, most important, reducing and containing the anxiety of dealing with an unpredictable and uncertain environment. In other words, an organization’s culture tells people what is right versus wrong and explains cause and effect thereby influencing their decisions and actions.

Culture directly affects an organization’s ability to execute its strategy and achieve its goals. It also accounts for as much as 30% of an organization’s performance. It’s not that culture is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Over time, things happen like new competitors, advances in technology, changes to customer needs and expectations and shifts in strategy. When this happens, the culture we have may no longer be the culture we need.

Using our Culture-Strategy Fit Model, we are able to determine the landscape of your organization’s current culture. The model uses 24 culture cards. Each of the Culture Cards describes a cultural practice, behavior or other attribute that is relevant to different organizational contexts. Using the cards ensures that participants have a common framework and language that significantly contributes to the development of a shared understanding of the current culture of the organization.

The Culture Cards provide a framework and shared language for talking, in a safe way, about culture and how it is supporting and/or getting in the way of performance and strategy execution. The culture cards are an effective tool for engaging Leaders and others in conversations about culture paving the way to greater understanding and an intentional approach to shaping and changing organizational culture. They are most effective when used to answer specific questions about the business, such as a problem or goal. This makes the card sort activity concrete and practical while at the same time acknowledging the important role culture plays in the way organizations operate.


  • Align culture with strategy
  • Leverage culture strengths
  • Measure culture change over time
  • Identify culture development needs
  • Describe sub-culture differences
  • Set culture change priorities
  • Take targeted action

After the culture workshop, we will compile a comprehensive report detailing your current culture landscape. In this report, in addition to the analysis, we will provide you with our recommendations based on the results of the exercise. Click here for a sample culture report.